Monday, December 26, 2016

Swimming LessonsSwimming Lessons by Claire Fuller
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I kept waiting, and waaaiiiting and waaaaiting for a plot twist. Nothing significant happened, and the ending was unsatisfying.

At first, I felt like this book had so much potential because it was a choose your own direction type of story. You could see the plot going in so many different directions. In hindsight, this was a repetitive cycle of a plot and you could identify most of the pitfalls. So many times I wanted to warn these characters: stop doing the same things and expecting different results (that's the definition of insanity according to Mr.Einstein).

I can understand why that could bedazzle some people but I honestly just thought that this wasn't within my age range or experience. Also, I watched the videos done with Book of the Month about why people watch shows like the Affair, but I was never interested in these types of infidelity affairs of marriage. Usually, I tend to read YA for a reason and this was a step outside my comfort zone and into the territory of infidelity and marriage, a territory that's completely unfamiliar.

There was nothing particular to hold me into the story, or propel/compel me forward. The only thing that I kept waiting on was the nonexistent plot twist that raised my expectations too much. I think that I might have misread this synopsis, so that's a reason why I think that you should go into this book blind and make your own conclusions.

The only parts that I actually looked forward to were when the character talked about what books meant to them and the profile of a collector of first editions and secondhand books that were stacked everywhere in Gil's house. Although, that too is an interesting perspective because it's become a negative habit for him throughout his life.

There is NO clear resolution as to whether or not the children of Ingrid knew more things about their past, and so I was frustrated to the point where I wanted to fling the book at the wall. It was not the pleasant reading experience that I would want to replicate.

**Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.**

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