Thursday, January 5, 2017

DuplicityDuplicity by Sibel Hodge
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an intriguing thriller to say at the least. The only problem that I had was I really felt like it was circular thinking and writing. So many times we analyze and go over the same narrative over and over again, to the point that I started skimming those parts. I understand that from the perspective of the police officer, he's only doing his job, but the author made him over-analyze and emphasize it in his head.

My first problem, which is my personal mistake, is that I got extremely confused with who our "mysterious" other POV was. For some reason, I don't that it was childhood flashbacks of DS Warren Carter. So for some weird reason, maybe until the middle of the story, I was dragging along my idea that this is told from a single POV, until I realized that this was a separate antagonist. That ruined the suspense of reading most of the first half of this thriller.

As psychological thrillers go, I thought that the outcome here was pretty unrealistic and coincidental. This "plot twist" is the type of thing that makes national news on TV (in my opinion) meaning that this wasn't a typical or ordinary case at all. Generally, I found myself staring at my Kindle in disbelief when the final reveal came because I just couldn't wrap my head around exactly how this happened.

I was ten years old when he made me commit murder.

Also, I know that this is part of the plotline, but some of the animal abuse that happened me, got really graphic and annoyed me. I know that this was a "plot device" to make an excuse for one character to become a vegan, and I can understand why the author would use that trauma. However, as a vegetarian myself I don't want to go into a book being specifically triggered in the descriptions of animal slaughter. No thank you.

**Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy in exchange for my honest review.**

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. I love thrillers, great review! I think I'll give it a miss, though, especially if you say the writing and thinking gets a bit too circular. I don't like it when the writing gets so repetitive :(

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words
